
Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (1L)
Updated: July, 1992
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feel - Eulisp interpreter  


feel [-heap n] [-stack-space n] [-boot bootimage]



Feel (Free and Eventually EuLisp) is a prototype implementation of the EuLisp language.

EuLisp is a single-valued lisp-like language with the following features:

An integrated Object System (Telos). This is a fully reflective system, and is much more tightly integrated into the system than CLOS

A module system, allowing names and implementation to be hidden across files.

Parallel programming primitives.

Feel attempts to conform to the EuLisp definition, except where, for historical reasons it has not caught up with the definition, or the definition contains bogus, unimplementable, or just plain silly statements.



Allocate an initial heap size of n megabytes. The default is 4, and is probably too high. 3 meg will result in faster execution times.
Allocate n megabytes for stacks. Normally, you will not need this option
load the bytecodes in bootimage on startup. You will need a boot image for this.

Getting started

The system initially is in the root module, which contains no useful bindings. You will need to be in the standard module, or something which imports it to do anything useful

In any module, (!> module-name) will enter a module, loading it if necessary. A good first choice is module-name=user. It first looks for the file in the current directory, then down the environment variable FEEL_LOAD_PATH. All bindings in that module then become available. To import one module into another interactively, use (import <mod-name>)

(!>> module-name) is the same as !>, except that it always loads the module from disk.

(loaded-modules) gives the list of currently loaded modules (including the internal ones, which are in turn re-exported by standard0).

(load-module module-name) will load the module and print the resulting module. This is the easiest way of finding out what a module exports.

(load-path) gives the current value of the load path (see above). (set-load-path x) sets the load path.

The !> and !>> forms can be used anywhere, while the others can only be invoked from the root module. !root will always return to the root module.

Error handler:
!exit exits the error handler
!b gives a backtrace
!q gives a quick backtrace




 Directory containing feel startup code and example modules. 

 The simplest possible module
Boot code for the bytecompiler (currently empty).
User's initial startup file


The Feel manual


Peter A Broadbery <maspab@gdr.bath.ac.uk>, plus some others who would prefer to remain anonymous, including Julian Padget, Russell Bradford and John ffitch.



Almost certainly. Mail to eubug@maths.bath.ac.uk if you find anything really nasty.



Getting started

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